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Extreme Finished Retriever

Our Extreme Finished Retriever Program is for big boys in the retrieving world. If you are looking for a dog that can do it all, this is the level of dog you are looking for. Clients who get this level of a dog are looking for a dog that can be handled in any situation, land and water, live and dead birds. These dogs run multiple birds down, land and water, hand signals, and whistles. You can handle them like a remote control even in difficult situations and heavy cover or fast moving current. They are more than well started, and have an advanced set of manners, can work with and without and E-Collar. They are good with other dogs, children and people. This is a dog that is fully polished with retrieving and will be a dog that can sit in the blind and make you look good. It won’t matter if you are working with clients or just a good day afield by yourself. If you are serious about your craft, there is no exception for a high end dog. Anyone who has spent time in the field understands, a dog can make the difference between a great day in the field or a miserable one. You don’t need to be an outfitter to have a nice dog. You just have to want a great dog. Obviously, all dogs at this level are fully force fetched and pressure conditioned.

An Extreme Retriever should have all that the Advanced Retriever has and an additional 3 months or more of training which include, but is not limited to the following:

* Sit, stay, heel, here, walking on/off leash, collar conditioned, load up, kennel/crate training, intro to live and dead birds, Marking multiple marks out to 250 yards on land  and 200 yards on water, marking drills, sit whistle on land and water, treading water on whistle, force fetch, pressure conditioning, gun breaking and multiple guns, no bird training, advanced sit whistle land and water, fetch to pile, force to pile, 4 handed casting, 4 handed leg pattern blinds, T pattern, double T, wagon wheel, water force to pile, water T, water double T, honoring other dogs, cripple bird retrieves, advanced marking drills, advanced sit whistles, advanced steady concepts, cold blinds out to 200 yards on land 150 yards on water.

   Basically, a fully polished young adult dog that has nicely polished with manners built in, fully steady, and fully gun broke. A dog with lots of consistency that is easy to take home and continue their training if you wish or just take them hunting. An Extreme Retriever is ready to go to the field the day you bring them home, and many times has already been hunting prior to going home depending on the time of the year.


An Extreme Retriever can easily pick up well over a thousand birds a year from the first season you get them home. These are the level dogs you can put in front of clients day in and day out. These are the dogs that watch flock after flock of birds come in, wave after wave and never break. These are the real deal dogs.


The real reason to have us train your dog to this level in our opinion is for one of the following reasons:

* If you have never successfully trained a dog before or if you just don’t have time to train one properly again.

* If you want a dog with a built in off switch.

* If you want a dog that fully understands right from wrong.

* If you want a dog that doesn’t test you at every turn.

* You want to have a guarantee of what your dog's desire and personality will be.

* You can take your dog from day one and start working, hunting, or having fun.

* If you want a competitive dog, or a dog capable of competing at any time.

* You will have a dog with built in manners and full gun breaking to the extreme

* If you want to know what you are getting from day one.

* You don't have to worry about your training routine being inconsistent.

* If you want full control of your dog while hunting, even if your buddies dog is not!

* If you outfit, guide or probably should.

* If you run big water, open ground or need more control of your dog for any reason.

* And, FRANKLY, a ton of other reasons!


If this sounds like what you are looking for, our Extreme Retriever Program might be just what you are looking for.


Typical cost for the Extreme Retriever Program is a 6 month training program @ $650 per month. Plus duck fee $15 each, 4 live ducks per month will be shot for your dog if desired.

**Varies in time depending on each individual dog

  • Most dogs at this level should be able to compete any master hunter test

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